Sadly my playstation controllers have both died and I'm struggling to find the cable to plug them in.... But thats enough about teenage boydom. (get it?)
After a hectic week trying to brand one of the seven deadly sins, which might i add we did very well, I had the pleasure of seeing my girlfriend who i haven't seen for 3 whole full weeks, which is the longest i've not seen her for in nearly 2 years. We walked round Nottingham and then spent the evening watching the "national treasure" that is X-Factor.
This morning I walked to the train station with my Girlfriend who then made her way back to the University Of Leicester (fancy) and then i came back to my beloved poly to continue work on my sketchbook, in which I completed a further 3 pages which i was quite happy about.
I now sit here talking to nobody, in order to have some sort of noted thought process of graphic design yet all I seem to be able to talk about is what I'm doing to waste my free time which i don't get alot of seeing as I have to colour-in for 35 hours a week. I say colour-in because it's what my girlfriend says i do. And i quite like it tbh. Yes, im going to be colouring in, for the rest of my life, and im going to be getting paid to colour in, because im really quite good at it. It feels good man.
Im constantly grateful for trying something different. Try it, you never know, you may fall in love with it like i did.
This is a poster i got at a poster fair at my student union.
It currently resides above my bed.
It's really emotive. I love that about comic book covers.