It's officialy 2010, and therefore i have come up with 2 new years resolutions. The first is to write on this more, and the second is to start building my empire. This is basically a way of trying to get noticed in the art world. After producing a pair of hand customised trainers for my girlfriend last year for her birthday which she seemed to like, I intend to make a start on my millions by buying up cheap trainers and customising them in order to sell for cold hard cash.
Anywhoo. Term 1 of uni is over. Christmas is pretty much done. and in 2 days i will be twenteen/19.1. and i must say 2009 was very good to me. The back end of foundation along with summer and uni has been insanely fun.
I cant wait to see what 2010 will bring, however i fear it will not live up to my childhood expectations of hover-boards and robots for pets. I will try my best to keep an accurate record of my activities this year, which what last year lacked. I feel if i document my day to day whereabouts then time will not completely melt away.
Alas, I bid thee fairwell.
In other news, Daft Punk played at my house.