Sunday, 11 April 2010

kiss kiss

Final piece to follow - probably to be available to buy


I have completely and utterly failed to keep this up to date like I said i would. Oh well
im'a get up to date pretty damn quick. Or at least as quick as I can with this god awful internet service I'm receiving.

Hold on to your hats.

Saturday, 9 January 2010


why is this spider out so late?

i mean its gotta be cold

but i suppose it could have a gander at this with its numerous eyes

its enough to warm even scrooge's soul.

Monday, 4 January 2010

im officially 20 and i spent my day with a number of my friends, majoritively at chillfactore, the snow dome of the north west. I shot some video, and here it is. Hopefully.

not bad eh?

Friday, 1 January 2010


It's officialy 2010, and therefore i have come up with 2 new years resolutions. The first is to write on this more, and the second is to start building my empire. This is basically a way of trying to get noticed in the art world. After producing a pair of hand customised trainers for my girlfriend last year for her birthday which she seemed to like, I intend to make a start on my millions by buying up cheap trainers and customising them in order to sell for cold hard cash.

Anywhoo. Term 1 of uni is over. Christmas is pretty much done. and in 2 days i will be twenteen/19.1. and i must say 2009 was very good to me. The back end of foundation along with summer and uni has been insanely fun.

I cant wait to see what 2010 will bring, however i fear it will not live up to my childhood expectations of hover-boards and robots for pets. I will try my best to keep an accurate record of my activities this year, which what last year lacked. I feel if i document my day to day whereabouts then time will not completely melt away.

Alas, I bid thee fairwell.


In other news, Daft Punk played at my house.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


Im thinking of running for the next Primeminister

This could be my campaign poster.

And i could steal this for my party's slogan.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

a new dimension

Were learning about portraiture. Its quite interesting.